Emotional and Social Factors influence Poker Decision Making Accuracy.

04.07.2017 08:43

Emotional and Social Factors influence Poker Decision Making Accuracy.

Emotional and Social Factors influence Poker Decision Making Accuracy.



Poker is a social game, where success depends on both game strategic knowledge and emotion regulation abilities. Thus, poker provides a productive environment for studying the effects of emotional and social factors on micro-economic decision making. Previous research indicates that experiencing negative emotions, such as moral anger, reduces mathematical accuracy in poker decision making. Furthermore, various social aspects of the game—such as losing against "bad players" due to "bad luck"—seem to fuel these emotional states. We designed an Internet-based experiment, where participants' (N = 459) mathematical accuracy in five different poker decision making tasks were assessed. In addition, we manipulated the emotional and social conditions under which the tasks were presented, in a 2 × 2 experimental setup: (1) Anger versus neutral emotional state—participants were primed either with an anger-inducing, or emotionally neutral story, and (2) Social cue versus non-social cue—during the tasks, either an image of a pair of human eyes was "following" the mouse cursor, or an image of a black moving box was presented. The results showed that anger reduced mathematical accuracy of decision making only when participants were "being watched" by a pair of moving eyes. Experienced poker players made mathematically more accurate decisions than inexperienced ones. The results contribute to current understanding on how emotional and social factors influence decision making accuracy in economic games.


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09. 10. 2023
Děkuji všem, kteří jste absolvovali mou přednášku HUMAN SKILLS na akci TÝDEN INOVACÍ. Bylo Vás více než 110 židlí v sále a na Linkedinu projevilo zájem přes 500 z Vás. Moc si takového zájmu vážím a formou poděkování i reakce je online workshop, ve kterém  toto téma znovu společně otevřeme a věřím, že nabídnu i více inforamcí, než se vešlo do původní 50ti minutové přednášky. Těším se a pokud máte zájem o více informací stačí poslat Vaše kontakty pomocí formuláře níže a napsat heslo "HUMAN SKILLS" a my se Vám ozveme. Děkuji a těším se Jiří Kastner

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